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Journal of Climate Change Research

ISSN : 2093-5919 (Print) / 2586-2782 (Online)

  • KCI(Korea Citation Index)
  • DOI(CrossRef)
  • DOI(CrossCheck)

Journal of Climate Change Research

ISSN : 2093-5919 (Print) / 2586-2782 (Online)


Journal of Climate Change Research - Vol. 15 , No. 1

4. p.47 2006 IPCC guideline application: Analysis of greenhouse gas methodology and emissions in the rice cultivation and agricultural soil
Lee, Hyoung Seok, Jeong, Hyun Cheol, Lee, Sun Il, Park, Hye ran, Lee, Min Ji, Lee, Jong Mun, Park, Do Gyun, Jang, Eun Bin, Oh, Taek Keun
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15531/KSCCR.2024.15.1.047